Membuat Paragraf Baru

Apabila Anda ingin membuat paragraf baru untuk posting blog copas kode di bawah ini :

<style type="text/css"> p { text-indent: 10% } </style> <p>If your browser recognises the CSS text-indent property, you will notice that the first line of this text has been indented. The rest of the text is rendered without the indent.</p> <p>Then, when the next paragraph comes along, the first line is indented again!</p>

Hasilnya :

If your browser recognises the CSS text-indent property, you will notice that the first line of this text has been indented. The rest of the text is rendered without the indent.

Then, when the next paragraph comes along, the first line is indented again!


Special Thank

Terima Kasih yang sedalam-dalamnya kepada rekan-rekan Blogger yang tidak dapat kami sebutkan satu persatu yang telah menyumbangkan ide dan pengetahuannya, kepada :
1. pak guru
2. Oom
3. K2n9 M4Rc3l
4. B4n9 Tr1k
5. M45 H3Rm4N
6. P3n91N Bel4j4R

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